JCD Dental College Wins Overall Runner-Up Trophy
The 19th Annual Athletic Meet was organized at JCD Vidyapeeth on February 21st and 22nd, where JCD Dental College secured the Overall Runner-Up trophy. In the Relay 4×100m and 4×200m (Girls), Shreya, Aastha, Niharika, Rasna, and Payal won the silver medal. In the Relay 4×200m (Boys), Tai Tara, Nitin, Divyajeet, and Jaswant also secured silver. […]
Certificate Distribution for 1st Basic Implantology Course
On October 21, 2024, a certificate distribution ceremony was organized at JCD Dental College, Sirsa, to mark the successful completion of the 1st Basic Implantology Course. The event was graced by Prof. (Dr.) Jai Parkash, Director General, JCD Dental College, as the Chief Guest. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Arindam Sarkar, Principal, JCD […]
Anti-Ragging week from 12-08-2024 to 18-08-2024
To promote awareness, JCD Dental College, Sirsa, celebrated Anti-Ragging Week from August 12, 2024, to August 18, 2024. Various activities were organized to educate students about the importance of anti-ragging measures. A poster-making competition was held, with enthusiastic participation from undergraduate students. The 1st prize was awarded to Minu (Intern Batch), the 2nd prize to […]
Dant Kranti – International Virtual Conference
JCD Dental College, Sirsa, Organizes International Virtual Conference “Dant Kranti” JCD Dental College, Sirsa, organized a two-day International Virtual Conference, “Dant Kranti,” on May 28th and 29th. Prof. (Dr.) Kuldeep Singh Dhindsa was the Chief Guest of the event. The conference commenced with an inauguration ceremony led by the Chief Guest, followed by a welcome […]
Teachers and students were honored at JCD Dental College
जेसीडी डेंटल कॉलेज में शिक्षकों एवं विद्यार्थियों को किया गया सम्मानित। शिक्षक ही हैं हमारी प्रेरणा के स्त्रोत जो हमें हमेशा आगे बढ़ने के लिए करते हैं प्रेरित: डॉ. ढींडसा जेसीडी डेंटल कॉलेज में भारत रत्न डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन की जयंती के उपलक्ष्य में शिक्षक दिवस मनाया गया। इस कार्यक्रम में जेसीडी विद्यापीठ के महानिदेशक […]
Anti ragging day
JCD Dental college celebrated anti ragging day on 12th August to be followed by anti ragging week (commencing from 12th August till 18th August). Various activities were organized to create awareness among the students. Poster making competition was held in which many undergraduate students participated. 1st prize was awarded to Deepak of BDS 3rd year, […]
Poster making, slogan writing competitions on Anti-Ragging
जेसीडी डेन्टल कॉलेज में एंटी रैगिंग पर पोस्टर मेकिंग,नारा लेखन प्रतियोगिताओं का किया गया आयोजन । पोस्टर मेकिंग और नारा लेखन से रचनात्मकता व सृजनात्मकता का होता है विकास : प्रोफेसर ढींडसा सिरसा 17 अगस्त , 2023 : जेसीडी विद्यापीठ में स्थापित डेन्टल कॉलेज में गत दिवस एंटी रैगिंग दिवस पर विद्यार्थियों में जागरूकता पैदा […]
International Day of Yoga Celebration
Yog Karo, Roz Karo, Mauj Karo International Day of Yoga is celebrated across the world annually on June 21st following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world. […]
World No Tobacco Day
जेसीडी डेन्टल कॉलेज द्वारा मनाया गया विश्व तम्बाकू निषेध दिवस। तम्बाकू को कहे ना, पौष्टिक आहार को कहे हां – डाॅ. ढींडसा सिरसा 01 जून 2023: जेसीडी विद्यापीठ में स्थित जेसीडी डेंटल कॉलेज द्वारा विश्व तम्बाकू निषेध दिवस मनाया गया । इस अवसर पर ‘हमें आहार की जरूरत है तंबाकू की नहीं’ विषय पर पोस्टर […]
We need food, not Tobacco
JCD Dental College, Sirsa celebrated “World No Tobacco Day” on 31st May, 2023 with the theme being “We need food, not Tobacco” to create awareness amongst the students, faculty/staff members and patients. 1. A Poster competition was organized with the above mentioned theme in which the following students secured various positions on the basis of […]